Détection de fuites dans les réseaux d'eau souterrains à partir d’images RADar et InfraRouge RADIR

Détection de fuites dans les réseaux d’eau souterrains à partir d’images Radar et Infrarouge Page 22 sur 22 Lauréat de l’appel à projets 2023 Fondation FEREC « Infrastructures et gestion des eaux » Références [1] L., Rui; H., Haidong; K. Xin; T., Tao. A review of methods for burst/leakage detection and location in water distribution systems Water Science & Technology: Water Supply; London Vol. 15, Iss. 3, (Jun 2015): 429-441 [2] Guide d'application de la réglementation relative aux travaux à proximité des réseaux, Fascicule 2 [3] J.C. Santamarina, J. Park, M. Terzariol, A. Cardona, G.M. Castro, W. Cha, A. Garcia, F. Hakiki, C. Lyu, M. Salva, Y. Shen, Z. Sun, S. Chong, Soil properties: Physics Inspired, Data Driven, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 [4] A. De Coster, J.L. Pérez Medina, M. Nottebaere, K. Alkhalifeh, X. Neyt, J. Vanderdonckt, S. Lambot, Towards an improvement of GPR-based detection of pipes and leaks in water distribution networks Journal of Applied Geophysics 162 (2019) 138 – 151 [5] S. Park, Hyuntaek L., B. Tamang, J. Jin, S. Lee, S. Park, Y. Kim, A Preliminary Study on Leakage Detection of Deteriorated Underground Sewer Pipes Using Aerial Thermal Imaging, International Journal of Civil Engineering (2020) 18:1167 – 1178 [6] B. Fan, F. Bosc, Y. Liu, C. Fauchard, Dielectric measurement by open-ended coaxial line for hot-mix asphalt roads: From laboratory test to on-site investigation, NDT & E International (2023) 138, 102872 [7] A. Revil Effective conductivity and permittivity of unsaturated porous materials in the frequency range 1 mHz -1 GHz, Water Resources Research (2013), 49, 306-327 [8] N. Wagner, K. Emmerich, R. Bonitz and K. Kupfer, Experimental investigation on the frequency- and temperature-dependent dielectric material properties of soil, IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing (2011), 49, 25182530 [9] Warren, C., Giannopoulos, A., & Giannakis I. gprMax: Open source software to simulate electromagnetic wave propagation for Ground Penetrating Radar, Computer Physics Communications (2016), 209, 163-170 [10] Antoine, R., Fauchard, C., Oehler, J. F., & Joignant, P. Permeability and voids influence on the thermal signal, as inferred by multitemporal UAV-based infrared and visible images. Journal of Hydrology, (2020), 587, 124907